One of my goals is to write more in 2025. So we’ll see how this thought experiment goes! My main goal is to share more broadly some of my thinking, and also receive feedback and guidance on these thoughts.
This is not an exercise in “personal branding” but more indulging in one of my favorite pastimes: writing!
I’ve been keeping a written journal since I was twenty two. It’s been a source of guidance as well as a log of all my highs as well as lows. It’s amazing to be able to flip back to a certain stage in my life at a time and see how far I’ve grown as well as deduce patterns.
The first thing that I’ll write about in 2025 is the nature of goals.
I am a very goal driven person. I care about following through on my commitments. This is done through a combination of only committing to a few things, breaking it down into a plan, and then planning out my calendar to do the incremental parts of the plan.
I also turn down things that are not supportive of these goals because time is a zero sum game. I find that not only the commitment is important (the manifestation part), but the execution (planning and setting time do it) is just as important to see dreams come to truth.
I’ve finished writing out my goals for 2025. There’s a lot of big ambitions for my personal life as well as for Arcade. I also recently purchased a new thing called The Big Ass Calendar and it gives me so much joy to map out my calendar to ensure that I am spending enough time on things important to me.
I love intentionality. I have a hard time connecting with people who seem to be drifting through life on a current without much direction.
Over the holiday break I went to Death Valley and it was an amazing experience to look at the stars in the night sky and see the revolving planets overhead. It gave me a new sense of time and place, as well as how limited our time is on Earth as compared to the cosmos. I see planning as a way to ensure that I make the most of limited time in this life.
There is a dark side to planning. I do worry that I am not in the moment and constantly projecting forward or reflecting on the past. Being in the present is super important. I also hope it doesn’t deter me from not being afraid to do a spontaneous thing.
But I do want to be on a path, and that means charting a course — as well as setting the mileage.